Commission done by


Hi, I'm Phish! I'm a programmer, musician, video game enthusiast, and creative from Austin, TX. Check me out here:

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art done by moe


Ally Morales, known professionally as kkPhish or Phish, is a programmer, musician, artist, and creative from Austin, TX. While currently budding as a young software developer, they aspire to broaden their skills and dabble in video game development, a goal stemming from a lifelong passion of gaming. Focused on community building, they are working to create projects that are not only innovative and engaging, but also work to bring people together, regardless of the medium of expression. Ally currently works as a Software Developer in Academic Information Systems at UT Austin.Ally graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in the Summer of 2021 with a degree in Instrumental Music Studies, Saxophone Emphasis (Music Education) where they studied with the best in the field. They continue to make use of their analysis of goal setting and feedback in all projects, skills they consider invaluable and maintain extreme passion for in their daily life. While at UT, Ally served as the Drum Major of the Longhorn Band, leading the band at football games, creating a thrilling and eventful atmosphere for students on campus, and even pretending to be a celebrity on Jimmy Fallon!In their free time, Ally enjoys reading, being outside, learning a new instrument, drinking coffee, raving over whatever new video game they're obsessed with, or streaming on Twitch. Sometimes on weekends they'll pick up shifts at one of their favorite coffeeshops, building connections and advancing the Pattern of Coffee and People (iykyk). They currently reside in Austin.Wanna reach out? Contact me here!

photo by lilio camere

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kkPhish, 2023


currently under construction

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kkPhish, 2023

Commission Info

T.O.S + Notes

Will DoWon't Do
CCsHate Symbols
PrideBoundary Breakers
GoreExtreme Gore

- Payment must be before the skin file is sent
- Prices are firm
- Non-refundable
- I hold myself to a tight turnaround, your commission will be ready within a week of the confirmation date. If this changes I will communicate promptly
- If commissioning an edit, you must own the skin (i.e. one you had made yourself or one you have previously commissioned), I refuse to edit a skin that does not belong to you
- References/precise decisions are preferred (the better the reference/description, the more likely you'll enjoy your skin!)
- I will likely ask questions to make sure I can deliver exactly what you want on your skin
- I expect to have consistent communication so we don't waste each other's time. Respect my time and I will respect yours :]
- I will only post graphics on social media if I have your explicit permission (I will still make it for you to have for your own uses)
- I will only post the skin on PMC if I have your explicit permission
- I have the right to refuse any commission
- Reuploading the skin is prohibited
- Removing my watermark is prohibited
- Credit is preferred wherever possible (Twitch command etc.)
- If you post screenshots, tag me and credit me! I want to see how you're wearing my skin :]
- Payment is done through PayPal, ko-fi, or Venmo (PayPal/ko-fi preferred)
I also have Elytra and Migrator Cape + Elytra skins available for commission, please reach out for more details :]

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kkPhish, 2023


Feel free to reach out for collaborations on coding, music, art, or other creative projects. For a fast response, message me on discord! For formal proposals/collaborations, please email me.

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kkPhish, 2023